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The Annapolis Site provides a FREE business listing as a service to our neighbors. Please Email your listing with the following information to WEBMASTER@ANNAPOLISSITE.COM

1) Company Name
2) Company Address and Phone Number
3) Brief Description of services
4) Web address if you have one


Advertising Rates & Web Design

The Annapolis Site and Kent Island Online are locally owned and operated sites that serve Annapolis and the Eastern Shore. Kent Island Online has been serving the Kent Island area since 1998 and is the largest database of all things Kent Island. The Annapolis Site was launched in 2006 and serves the same purpose as Kent Island Online, but for the Annapolis area. It is also a guide for people from the Kent Island area to explore the Annapolis area. Imitations may come and go, but we are here to stay as a part of both communities.

We offer an inexpensive way for your business to increase its web presence. In fact, we will beat ANY competitors advertising rates!! To have your own page on a Kent Island Online or Annapolis Site domain, complete with pictures, text, and even sound bytes, just drop us a line at WEBMASTER@ANNAPOLISSITE.COM


Why offer free listings?

The Annapolis Site offers free listings to area businesses because every listing adds content to the site and provides a service to our community. The more content there is, the more often people will return to the site. Sites that charge for listings, are not complete resources, being that they only have a small percentage of area businesses listed. We strive to have everyone in the area listed here. It's good for local businesses and it's good for The Annapolis Site. We get to provide a much needed service to our neighbors and visitors.


Why pay for an ad if the listing is free?

We modeled The Annapolis Site after the Yellow Pages. Everyone is listed, but for a fee, your ad will stand out above the other listings. If you are in the middle of a group of listings with only a text listing, and your competition has a picture that stands out, readers will likely miss your listing. Think about how you looked up something in the Yellow Pages. The listing that got your attention was most likely the one with a paid ad, a picture, bold, etc... The listings don't jump out like the paid ads do. We will work with you to come up with the most beneficial placement for your ad, and to design the ad that commands attention.


What does a paid ad look like?

We offer full-page sponsorships, banner advertisements, and 2"X2" graphic advertisements that can be placed on any page within Kent Island Online. We offer premium placement in your category and on multiple pages. All advertisements are created in-house and are linked directly to your site. If you do not have a website, we will make one for you. We also offer a single page site located on Kent Island Online which is perfect for menus and sale items. We can design any size ad, and can use your pictures and graphics. A good example of what our paid ads look like can be found on our Real Estate page. We will work with you to design and implement the perfect advertisement to increase your revenue.


Why choose The Annapolis Site?

This site gets approximately 40,000 hits per month. Out of that number, approximately 23,000 are unique hits, meaning new visitors. Our online web stats, provided by MK stats prove that we are growing rapidly. The hits come from all over the local area, as well as around the country. In comparison, local newspaper delivery is around the same and subscribers are declining. Out of that number there is no way to tell if anyone is reading your ad. How many times have you thrown out the papers that are delivered to your home without even reading them? Wouldn't it feel good to know that your ad is actually being sought out? The visitors to The Annapolis Site are making an effort and taking the time to actually visit the website, meaning they are looking for something, maybe exactly what your business provides!

The Annapolis Site works as a guide for locals in Annapolis and for the Kent Island area where residents do not have access to an Annapolis area phone book. By having The Annapolis Site as part of Kent Island Online, we can garuntee that people from the Eastern Shore are visiting The Annapolis Site. The Annapolis Site is also a great tool for anyone planning on moving to the Annapolis area, or just visiting for the day.

Even if they are just browsing, their interest in Annapolis has been aroused. Local newspapers are charging upwards of $1000 for an ad that is delivered only to a small amount people and only in the local area. For afraction of that cost, you can have your ad on a site with a local, regional, and a national reach of more than 40,000 viewers that return to the site multiple times. That means you have access to locals, as well as tourists coming to the area. If you run a hotel, restaurant, bar, or pretty much any business, this is the kind of reach you need. Don't be fooled by our imitators who are only looking to cash in on our proven formula. The Annapolis Site is the area's only established website and is a trusted source for all things Annapolis. We have been serving the area since 1998 and we will continue to serve the area for many years to come.



Contact us to inquire about pricing at WEBMASTER@ANNAPOLISSITE.COM or call us at 410-643-6297 to discuss a customized program for your business.


Kent Island Online and The Annapolis Site

A perfect match!

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